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1 to 4th Week. Pregnancy week by week


Learn about the changes you can expect week by week during your pregnancy. Costamed accompanies you

Second Level Ultrasounds in Pregnancy


During pregnancy, in addition to the basic ultrasounds, there are those known as second-level ultrasounds, structural or genetic, which consist of a detailed evaluation of the baby, analyzing internal and external structures to detect possible anomalies promptly. Additionally, the growth and evaluation of the placenta and the amniotic fluid are checked.

 A total of 3 ultrasounds are performed throughout the 9 months of gestation

Onset of Menopause


Talking about menopause automatically conveys a sense of decadence and lack of control; however, we must not forget that this is just a normal part of womanhood. When you educate yourself on it, you can better deal with the symptoms. 

Today I would like to talk to you about five essential points about the onset of menopause:

The Female Body. Chapter 1: Understanding Premenstrual Syndrome: What's Normal and What's Not


Morning sickness, endometriosis, menopause, migraines, PCOS. What’s happening to your body? We don’t know, because we’ve never really studied the female body.

Maybe Farideh needed a group of experts with her to debunk some of the many myths surrounding the female body. So, in a series of blog posts, I’ll break down in simple terms what’s normal and what’s not with the most common conditions you might experience. And certainly, there’s no condition more challenging and common than premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

The Female Body. Chapter 2. Amenorrhea: Beyond Pregnancy – Understanding Causes and the Menstrual Cycle


Have you ever missed your period and immediately thought, "I'm pregnant!"? While that's a significant indicator, it isn't the only reason you might be experiencing amenorrhea, the absence of menstrual bleeding. In this article, we'll explore the possible causes of amenorrhea, what's normal and what isn't, and how a regular menstrual cycle functions. Plus, we'll provide some tips for managing irregular cycles.

October: A Month for Women’s Comprehensive Health in Mexico


Each October, the world turns pink to raise awareness about breast cancer. However, it’s essential to go beyond the usual messages and provide clear, actionable information to empower Mexican women to make informed decisions about their health.

Perimenopause: Understanding the Transition and What No One Tells You


Imagine this: Emily, a 42-year-old working mom, starts her day as usual. She makes coffee, organizes her kids’ lunches, and heads to her home office. But lately, things feel off. She wakes up exhausted, no matter how long she sleeps. Midway through the day, a wave of heat rises from her chest to her face, leaving her flustered. “Maybe I’m just stressed,” she tells herself.