We are COSTAMED, providers of medical care, leaders in the Mexican Caribbean with the biggest network in the area. We have 4 hospitals located in Cozumel, Playa del Carmen and Puerto Morelos, as well as consultative complex in Mahahual,a first contact clinic with Covid-19 Detection Tests with an Endoscopy Room in Cancun and a dental office in Puerta Maya, Cozumel. Since 1998, our priority is to overcome the expectations of our clients regarding patient services by providing the best attention.
Our hospitals are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year in order to guaranty emergency care that is vital to our community and our visitors. Each location has cutting-edge facilities and technology, and an excellent, professional and highly qualified team of bilingual certified physicians.
Our objective is to be a leading company in health services, recognized for providing exceptional products and services through advanced technology. We are committed to serving our patients with a special emphasis in safety.
Our mission is to provide health services of the highest quality with a professional, warm and humane team whose fundamental objective is to preserve and establish the well-being of our patients.
To be a leading hospital in the health sector and be recognized for consistent high quality products, advanced technology and a professional and ethical team that is committed to serving the patient, the company and the community with emphasis on patient safety.
We are one of the best medical groups in the southeast and Mexican Caribbean, and we are always evolving for our patients’ benefit because patients’ become a part of us: of what we are and what we represent.
Costamed, Medical Group.
Always near you.
Costamed Medical Group Hospitals stand out from the rest of the medical offer in the area, with 35 different medical specialties for our patient’s care.
Our medical staff consists both of hospital-based specialists in each hospital as well as outside physicians who offer their services at our locations. All of the above makes us the Medical Group with the best health offer in the Mexican Caribbean.
All Costamed Medical Group Hospitals along the Mayan Riviera have different services and departments that bring forth the support for good daily operations. Get to know them!
Due to the quality of our Laboratory we have received the PACAL award for 13 consecutive years.
An endoscopy is highly effective in detecting, diagnosing and treating common diseases such as gastritis and colitis.
Part of Costamed Medical Group. We stand out with highly qualified and experienced dental surgeons in Orthodontics, Endodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics. We also have our own dental laboratory service
We have the best radiology and imaging technology to provide more accurate diagnoses in less time, including our 1.5 Magnetic Resonances and Computerized Axial Tomography up to 128 cuts
Both of our ICU´s are equipped with advanced technology that includes Total Care beds and state-of-the-art critical care monitors and fans
We have the most advanced Hyperbaric Chamber in the Mexican Caribbean and Central America; with capacity for up to 14 patients being preferred suppliers of DAN (Divers Alert Network).
El día de hoy llegué buscando el Hospital que me correspondía en GNP para internar a mi hijo, que llevaba bastante delicado de salud. Me encontré con el Dr. Luis Guillermo Oliva; me sorprendió su eminencia. Le encontró inmediatamente lo que nadie había detectado en un mes. Le conté todo lo que habíamos pasado, desde la bronquitis hasta la falta de aire. Pensé que debía internarlo, pero me tranquilizó. Estoy encantada de conocerlo; será mi doctor de cabecera. El mejor con el que he tratado aquí en Playa del Carmen
-Ana Gabriela Castro Ardavin
I cannot speak highly enough of the international liason, Andrea. She truly cared! She seemed to always be available. She spoke to our health insurance and travel insurance to arrange all our needs plus our air ambulance back to the U.S. She even sent me texts months after the accident to check in on us. My husband spent a total of 3 months in hospitals. Nine days at Costamed, then 2 hospitals in Illinois. Costamed was by far the cleanest of all 3!!
-Cindi Engelmann Setzer
Dr. Buensueso with Costamed Medical Group has provided excellent care for my husband while in Mexico.
The professionalism, empathy, and care that him and team have provided to my husband has been beyond compare!
God answered our prayers by giving Dr. Buensueso to help care for my husband, I am beyond grateful.
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-Stephanie Clairbone
This is the #1 place to go! We're from the United States and I got food poisoning AND my spouse broke his back. Im a registered nurse and wow, this was better service than in the states. The doctors were actually present and kept asking how we were feeling. The nurses and other medical staff al otro had smiles, great IV starts (couldn't even feel the needle), my food poisoning was gone after my 9 hour stay which began writhing in pain. Husband's back had 2 CT scans, a ambulance trip, several Xrays, our comfort was paramount for the staff who all had smiles, eerie initially as I thought I'd feel it in the wallet upon discharge. I'm over an ER in the USA and this place put my hospital to shame. Most US hospitals as 5 minutes with the patient IF you get to meet the doctor and 55 minutes per every hour of legal charting. There was no wait, spouse was in excellent hands despite fracturing 3 vertebrae We enjoyed the great customer service so much that it made our dire ailments feel less intense. Santiago one of the doctors was exemplary. I dont write reviews very often but this place made me want to bring all my ER staff down to Tulum where they can get retraining. Oddly, all the staff got along. Try to find that in the USA! When you're on travel and you dont think something can go wrong and it does, THIS is the place to go!!! I cant say enough. Heck, even the COVID swabbing was per CDC guidelines and i train nurses. The cost for us was the same price as it would be just crossing the threshold of an ER in the US...really inexpensive...my flight cost more. I jokingly look forward to getting sick again. CostaMed is the place. Dont go by the initial appearance of the main entrance, its VERY clean and modern inside. If you're sick, go here, period! 5 Stars!!!!
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-Christopher Clark
Costamed is a small but very effective hospital, with very good doctors and friendly staff. They saved my wife’s life after a car crash, identifying a severe internal bleeding quickly and undergoing an emergency surgery to remove her spleen. The main drawback is that they don’t have a blood bank, so finding blood (in particular O-) was a big challenge. We are truly grateful to everyone at Costamed, and in particular to Dr Montero, Dr Buensuseso and Mss Jeronima Rebassa.
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-Jorge Centeno
Having had an accident in a foreign country, I was very scared of what to expect. What I found though was a total group of caring, knowledgeable, concerned nurses who have taken such great care of me. They have been so kind, compassionate and thorough in their care.
I have lost all the fear I had and it has turned to total respect and admiration for their care and ability.
These are the kindest medical personnel I have ever met, truly much better than what I have received in the USA.
If I need medical care again, I hope it will be here.
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-Debbie Long
The care and professionalism at Costamed with Dr. Gomez were superior. I so appreciate the Hyperbaric Chamber and Hospital that is readily available at Costamed in Cozumel.
It puts my heart at the case to know these facilities are here for all divers. Dr. Gomez treated my decompression sickness that presented as a stroke and restored my balance, strength, and health. He put my mind at ease as he took extra time explaining everything to me.
This was a positive experience in what was a very scary and emotional time for me.
Thank you so much for all the care and treatment, I will be forever grateful.
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-Christine Miller
I am very grateful for the professional and caring staff at Costamed. The efficiency and confidence that my situation was handled with went a long way to reassure myself and my wife that I was in excellent hands.
The clarity of the process and procedures kept us all from feeling lost, and the patience of the staff and their English (due to our lack) of Spanish is commendable. Thank you all for being here for us, and working in partnership with DAN
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-Jason Dunk
All staff and doctors were extremely helpful and attentive, we have astounded by the services we received. Doctors were extremely knowledgeable and helpful. We do not speak much Spanish but we were kept informed the entire time. We are very happy with Costamed and extremely thankful to everyone that works here
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-Michael Meeks
Queremos agradecer infinitamente a todos los involucrados en la súper atención que me dieron, hicieron sentirme muy cuidado y como una persona muy importante, como si me conocieran. Es el mejor Hospital en el que he estado, muchas gracias
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-Carlos Arzuvide Cortés
"I suffered from minor DCS symptoms after diving with some bouyancy issues. Dr. Gómez and all staff here at Costamed in Cozumel were very helpfull and attentive. I received oxygen and then hyperbaric chamber treatments, which significantly helped with my symptoms. All of the nurses and medical personnel I met during my stay were professional, knowledgeable, and helpful. I receive eccellent care that exceded my expectations. I would recommend this facility to others, especially those with DCS symptoms. The divers Aler Network recommended this location."
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-Diana P. 10/03/2021
"Conozco al Hospital Costamed desde hace más 12 años, he acudido a él en varias ocasiones, puedo decir que es el mejor hospital en Playa del Carmen. La forma de comprobar la calidad de un hospital no es la más agradable en la mayoría de los casos ya que lo haces por un problema de salud.
Paty Macías se sometió a una laparoscopia para extraer la vesícula, una operación muy sencilla, desafortunadamente tuvo complicaciones: durante la cirugía una arteria se rompió lo que le provocó 4 paros cardiorrespiratorios un tema de vida o muerte, ocho horas de quirófano y un equipo médico que no se dio por vencido y la sacó adelante, por supuesto su condición era muy grave, estuvo tres semanas en terapia intensiva, gracias a DIOS y gloria a Él, desde el primer momento todo ha sido mejoría, días muy difíciles pero a 3 semanas de lo ocurrido salió de alta y hoy está en casa recuperándose.
El Hospital COSTAMED fue fundamental, ya que cuenta con todo el equipo e infraestructura para este tipo de eventos tanto en el quirófano como en terapia intensiva, su equipo administrativo con un trato humano y de gran tacto, no se detuvo en tratar a Paty de la mejor manera y sacarla adelante, que, por supuesto que tienen que hacer su labor de cobranza, pero siempre me trataron con respeto, sensibilidad y comprometidos con la salud de Paty.
El equipo de medicina interna encabezado por el Dr. Buensuceso no solo muestran capacidad sino también profesionalismo y trato humano, lo enfermeros Juan, Miguel y se me escapan otros nombres, son excelentes; el equipo de seguridad muy atentos y sensibles a la situación, el equipo de rehabilitación excelente. El Dr. Miguel Ángel Rico, responsable de la operación a Paty y quien no ha dejado de dar seguimiento, al cirujano vascular Dr. Romeo, todos sin excepción hicieron un gran trabajo profesional y humano.
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-Cesar Calles
"Hola, Dr. Moguel.
Saludos cordiales desde Alemania. Hace un año, el 30 de enero de 2020, el corazón de mi esposo falló durante un tour de snorkel en Mahahual. Ya en el lugar, la ambulancia de Costamed decidió rápidamente y de forma profesional trasladarlo a su hospital en Playa del Carmen.
Aquí recibimos desde el inicio un alto compromiso médico y profesional de todos los empleados de la clínica. Solo a través de los cuidados y la toma de decisiones rápidas y acertadas para el implante de un marcapasos, es como mi marido ha vuelto a estar muy bien hasta el día de hoy.
Queremos agradecer de nueva cuenta a todos los empleados del departamento de Cardiología y de Medicina Crítica.
Ustedes no solo han ayudado a mi esposo médicamente. Yo tuve desde el ingreso al hospital gran comprensión y apoyo a pesar de los problemas con el idioma. Esto especialmente del Dr. Bayardo, el Dr. Luis y el jefe de servicio a paciente.
Solo podemos describir los estándares de su hospital y el trato en general como excepcionales.
Por último, queremos mencionar, que el cardiólogo tratante aquí en Alemania quedó admirado por su trabajo profesional.
Una vez más, muchas gracias y saludos a usted y a todo su equipo."
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-Klaus-Peter y Elke Krause
" Le 17 janvier 2021 suite a un arrêt cardiaque "mort subite"; Je suis entrée au service cardiologie du Docteur Rafael Moguel, Costamed Cozumel pour la pose d'un défibrillateur / pacemaker.
Je remercie chaleureusement le Docteur Rafael Moguel et Docteur Bayardo pour toute leurs attention, professionnalisme et rigueur á préparer mon opération.
Une opération, faite par le Docteur Rafael Moguel, vécu sans stress ni douleur. 1 semaine passée, je me sent prêt a reprendre tranquillement mes activités mais je dois attendre encore un peut. Je remercie également les personnes des services administratif, qui a mon grand soulagement, ont gérait avec patience et persévérance les tractations avec les assurances pour une prise en charge optimale. Un grand , grand merci, aux infirmières et infirmiers pour leurs soins et permanente bonne humeur. Sans oublier le personnel d'entretient aimable et discret.
Je n'oublie pas de remercier aussi le personnel de cuisine et les bien sympathique personnes du service des repas, presque comme au restaurant mais sans sel. Je ne suis pas un habitué des hôpitaux, heureusement pour moi. Mais pour une expérience comme celle-ci, je ne peux que recommander Costamed"
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"A todos los fabulosos enfermeros y enfermeras:
¡Muchísimas gracias! No sólo por sus cuidados, sino por también hacer su trabajo con cariño y gentileza. Su trato humano es súper significativo ya que como se los mencioné antes, hacer la diferencia en el estado anímico de nosotros como pacientes.
Que Dios los bendiga siempre y gracias por escoger esta profesión tan especial.
Todos y cada uno tienen un sitio muy especial en mi corazón.
Con mucho cariño y gratitud,"
"Gracias por cuidar tanto a mi esposa en mi ausencia, un abrazo amigos."
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-Claudia y Oscar
I have been admitted in a timely and treated immediately which has no doubt contributed do my recovery."
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-Paul Bechtold
"El día domingo (el Dr. Ricardo Plancarte) hizo una intervención en la médula ósea y en la rodilla. Regeneró la hernia y cerrÓ la fisura que presentaba el disco.
Le puedo decir que tengo una felicidad porque ha mejorado bastante la molestia y dolor que tenía antes. Aguanté tanto tiempo un dolor que nadie había encontrado y hasta siento que nadie me creía.
Doctor, estoy muy agradecida con usted, porque gracias a usted ha pasado todo esto"
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-Ada Ruth
"Gracias por todo, el servicio fue excelente, rápido, con pasión y muy cuidado. El Dr. Darío fue un profesional, estamos muy felices de estar a su cuidado.
Todo el personal del hospital fue más que excelente, estamos muy agradecidos de estar hospitalizados aquí. Gracias por todo"
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-Amir Mersik
"Tal vez la estancia en un hospital no es algo que nadie desee, pero el personal de Costamed te hace sentir confianza y tus padecimientos los hace menores con esa excelente actitud y profesionalismo. Todos son muy amables y atentos.
Todo el equipo colaboró para que mi hijo Brayan se recuperara de un cuadro de Dengue y Covid.
Agradezco de manera especial al Dr. Carlos García, a las enfermeras Vivi, Claudia. Muchas gracias a todos."
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-Pedro Duarte Romero
"Mi más extenso agradecimiento a todo el personal Médico, Paramédicos, personal administrativo, enfermeras y todos los que colaboraron para preservar mi vida.
A mi ingreso me encontraba muy grave por el padecimiento COVID-19 con intubación orotraqueal, asistencia mecánica ventilatoria, necesitando servicio de Terapia Intensiva, el cual me brindó estabilidad médica, realizando su trabajo con mucho profesionalismo, dedicación y eficacia,
[...] Recibí rehabilitación física e inhaloterapia, personal médico de Medicina Interna, enfermería, camilleros, laboratorio y nutrición siendo todos muy importantes para mi recuperación."
La familia Aguilar-Zapién estará eternamente agradecida por todas las atenciones que nos brindaron.
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-Dr. Ernesto Aguilar. Médico Jubilado IMSS, activo en SESA
“Mi eterno agradecimiento y reconocimiento a las extraordinarias personas que cuidan del único tesoro que cada individuo posee la vida … Soy testigo de la valentía, responsabilidad, profesionalismo, amor y sobretodo humanidad con la que cada uno sale de casa y hace todo lo posible para que los pacientes se sientan en la confianza de regresar con su familia.
Una mención especial al Dr. Oscar Reyes por su invaluable experiencia, (…) así mismo a Jerónima Rebassa y al Dr. Segovia por se la luz de muchas personas dentro de este equipo (...) Todos los asistentes médicos de UCI: David, Gaby, Abril, Héctor, Tonny, Alex, Brenda, Bibi, Jesús Pineda, Nicole. De todo corazón, gracias”
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-Carolina Bárcenas
“Al personal en general del Hospital Costamed, Felicidades por tan buen servicio por parte de todas las áreas del Hospital. Muchas gracias.”
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-José Francisco Correa
“El día de ayer llegue al hospital Costamed por la tarde noche, por síntomas de pre infarto. Me pasaron directamente a urgencias y la atención brindada por el personal fue inmediata, me realizaron unos electrocardiogramas en lo que llegaba en Dr. Bayardo a diagnosticar el problema severo de salud que presenta. Me practicaron una cirugía con catéter al corazón del cual salí muy bien. Le agradezco a Dios y al Dr. Bayardo y a su personal Luis y Noemí que estuvieron con el en a cirugía, me sentí seguro y tranquilo. El trato recibido hacia mi fue muy bueno por parte del hospital y de los médicos involucrados. Recomiendo el servicio”
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-Ricardo Merezco
“Me salvaron la vida en verdad ¡gracias! Muy pero muy contento de ver que empresas mexicanas hacen las cosas bien.”
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-Juan Sosa
“Siendo aproximadamente las 10:00 horas yo el paciente Orlando Mendoza Ramírez ingresa por el área de urgencias con el Sr. Rogelio Campo ya que el día 1|4 de mayo me hizo una operación hoy me presente para chequeo y avances de mis operaciones refiere el Dr. Que se ve muy bien. Excelente Dr. Cita en 3 semanas excelente atención. Gracias y Saludos”
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-Orlando Mendoza
“El servicio del hospital en instalaciones y personal muy bien siempre muy atentos y responden mis dudas cada que pregunto o necesito ayuda, por eso siempre que hay emergencia o necesitamos consultar acudimos aquí con algún especialista o a urgencias”
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-Gloria Isabel España Tun
“Agradezco al Dr. Juan Antonio Buensuceso y a todo el personal del Hospital, enfermeros la atención y dedicación recibida. De no haber sido así, quien sabe que hubiera pasado. GRACIAS ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS COSTAMED, VIVA!”
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-Jesús José Manuel Guevara
“Estoy muy agradecido por la puntual atención de que he sido objeto. Si tengo oportunidad lo recomendare ampliamente”
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-Héctor Bonilla Rebentun. Actor Mexicano
My Fiancé James Haney was admitted to Costamed due to a very painful gallbladder attack on Sunday evening.
Our favorite nurse by far was Claudia Espinoza. She was so attentive and professional. She toke care of James' every need and went above and beyond to ensure he was comfortable and kept up to date with his medical situation. [...]
We were very fortunate to have Claudia caring for James for 5 days, She is an outstanding nurse and we wish her the very best in her career
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-Lisette Soirs
Stay for almost two weeks.
It’s wonderfull the service and behavior.
Back to life, for the second chance of life. Thanks to God, thanks to the amazing people of Costamed, Dr. Rafael Moguel. Unforgettable moment
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-Mr. Rokhimin
“El único hospital en puerto y el mejor de la región, excelente servicio y calidad. Buenas promos para locales.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Eder Huitrón.
“Muchas gracias a la Dra. Itzel Pérez y a su equipo de urgencias, nos atendieron excelente, el trato humano, las instalaciones del lugar, la eficiencia y rapidez, altamente recomendable. Salvaron mi vida y mis vacaciones. Eternamente agradecidos con ustedes.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Jeanette Martínez.
“I had a difficult operation and Dr. Ponce de León is the best surgeon you can find, he is a true doctor. Staff is friendly bust mostly very professional. Instalations are brand new. It is a hospital so don't expect clinic prices, which are not so high. Don't hesitate to go to the hospital, health comes first.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Jose Luis Rojo.
“I received excellent, attentive care here while I was sick. Dr. Ponce de Leon did a thorough exam and diagnosis. All of the nursing staff was great in particular the ER room nurse, Diego was incredibly caring and attentive. The clinic was immaculate. I highly recommend Costamed if you need medical help.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Elizabeth C.
“I was so lucky I ended up at Costamed, the service is amazing, clean and professional. All the nurses, doctors and team were so kind to me and I couldn't have done it without them. I had to have emergency surgery on my appendix that might not have been picked up if they hadn't had been so thorough. It is super expensive and if you don’t have fast acting travel insurance maybe consider somewhere else or you might not be able to pay! Lucky for me I was covered and I am so grateful to everyone who works there for taking such good care of me!”
Fuente: Google.
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-Patricia Fleming.
“Fueron muy amables desde el recepcionista, enfermero y médico, profesionales, atentos y caballerosos. Los precios me parecieron muy accesibles y justos.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Ldg. Paola Gómez.
“Hasta dentista tuvieron, fue algo sencillo pero atendieron lo que necesitaba.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Herencia Milenaria.
“Fui por una urgencia cerca de medianoche y me atendieron súper bien y rápido, pensé que iba a estar carísimo y están normales. Pero por la hora me parecieron muy accesibles.”
Fuente: Google.
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-VIART Xplora.
“Fui de emergencia porque estoy embarazada y me encontraba un poco mal. Excelente atención, desde los de recepción hasta los enfermeros. Pero lo mejor fue el Dr. Jorge Alemán súper atento y explicó todo. Precios asequible.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Hilda Lara Sevillano.
“I received immediate, effective and friendly attention when I turned up with a broken foot”
Fuente: Google
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-Michael Owen.
“Para ser la única clínica en Mahahual, súper bien, nos atendieron rápido y accesible en los costos, muchas gracias por la atención.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Moises Piña.
“Visitamos el Hospital Costamed para consulta con el Médico Otorrinolaringólogo Manuel Fernández para revisar un tímpano perforado. Confirmación de la cita inmediata y servicio a clientes enviando mensaje por correo desde la página de internet fue rápida y con toda la información necesaria. Excelente atención, Médico confiable y excelente calidad en servicio. Costo muy accesible y todas nuestras dudas fueron resueltas a tiempo.”
Fuente: Facebook.
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-Paulina Anahí Vargas.
“Más que excelente, hospital y especialistas médicos, comprometidos con su paciente.
Recomendable 100 %☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆”
Fuente: Facebook.
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-Ivonne Zubizarreta.
“La atención fue muy profesional y humana en el área hospitalaria, muchas gracias a cada una de las enfermeras y doctores y para omitir a nadie prefiero generalizar, súper profesionales y humanos.”
Fuente: Facebook.
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-Karina Limón.
“Los mejores médicos y enfermeras, el mejor trato y atención, en especial, Gaby Padrón, asesora comercial.
Gracias a todo el personal.”
Fuente: Facebook.
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-Gabriela Sanchez Villanueva.
“The doctors were kind and professional. By US standards, the cost was very reasonable about $70 for a doctor visit. The staff were kind. The facility was good. We also used Hospiten but they were really expensive for similar service. If I need a clinic/hospital in Playa again, I will go to Costamed.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Russ P.
“Most of my experiences here have been very positive -- I have not had a hospital stay but have seen two doctors and my wife one. Two were excellent and one was OK. The prices are reasonable (much better than Hospiten for the same service). Online chat is very responsive and makes it very easy to schedule an appointment with a specialist.”
Fuente: Google
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-Gary Hawton.
“We had a good experience here, our daughter was sick, we were in and out in an hour and cost about $83 US which I thought was very reasonable. Got treatment and prescription and were happy. Dr spoke English but check-in staff spoke very little English, but enough to get us checked in.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Doug Schwabauer.
“Die Male die ich in Costamed war (ob bei Urgencias oder bei einem Spezialisten), war die Behandlung des Personales und der jeweiligen Aerzte immer sehr nett bzw. Fachgerecht! Fuer mich das beste Krankenhaus in Playa del Carmen!”
Fuente: Google.
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“We were referred to Hospiten, but after checking online and with some local contacts we opted to come to COSTAMED instead. A great decision. The wait wasn't long, and the doctor was polite, efficient and knew what he was doing. He immediately corrected the wrong initial diagnosis the Hospiten doctor has provided when she visited us at the hotel, and carefully and clearly explained what was wrong with my partner. Total cost, including an injection and prescription, was USD70- half the price Hospiten charged us just for the initial consultation. A great relief to find quick and efficient medical support when we needed it!”
Fuente: Google.
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-Joseph D'Cruz.
“My daughter was in the ER at Costamed. Different experience than in the US healthcare system. Selene, the nurse, and Abigail, the patient service representative, did an exceptional job of providing compassionate care and services. Dr. Antonio did what he thought best with the tools available to him to care for our daughter. Thanking God for guiding them to assist her mend and transfer to the US. Especially thankful to God for how quickly she is recovering and returning to normal routines following the start of treatments from Costamed.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Winda Antoine.
“I was seen at Costa Med upon recommendation from our hotel concierge for care of a lingering leg injury. The entire experience was positive. Although perhaps somewhat less sterile feeling than some U.S. urgent cares, (only the waiting area - kids and spills), the rest of the facility was entirely up to expectations of quality medical care. The wait was very short, the doctor's care and communication were excellent, and the cost was extremely reasonable. Although I hope I do not ever need to, I would not hesitate to go there again.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Noel Shaw.
“5 stars are well deserved for this great hospital. While vacationing in the Riviera Maya I had an accident in which I opened my scalp on a dive off of a dock (totally my fault). This place took excellent care of me, the facility was very clean and modern. The staff was very compassionate, friendly and helpful. The wait time was short and at time of checkout we were pleasantly surprised with the bill (very reasonable). We are so glad we decided to come here and we are happy to know about them just in case (hopefully not) we ever need them in future travels.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Gus Morg.
“Súper amables, bilingües en todas las especialidades.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Jaime Baez.
“La atención es muy buena, el personal muy amable todo el tiempo conmigo y mis familiares.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Lynette Flores.
“El servicio que ofrece el hospital es muy bueno, me atendieron bien desde que entré, durante mi estancia y cuando salí.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Romith Jiménez.
“Excelente atención por parte de todo el personal desde que llegas, mis últimas citas con gastroenterología han sido aquí y se nota el nivel de capacidad, sin duda será mi hospital base junto con el de mi familia.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Cristian Palavicini.
“Las veces que he sido atendida yo o alguien de mi familia en Costamed me he sentido muy tranquila, pues tienen profesionistas de calidad en todas sus áreas y el trato es muy humano y agradable.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Ozevely Encarnación.
“Personal muy profesional y amable, he recibido una excelente atención. Lo recomiendo ampliamente”
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-Odette Cuevas.
“Hospital staff and Medical personnel are all very competent and professional. The ease of dealing with medical insurance process was refreshing! This hospital RIVALS the best class facilities in the USA. THANKS TO ALL.”
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-Thomas Lightner. Dressel Divers.
“The hospital´s services in general were excellent! I took my mind away from my worries and the staff made me feel like I was in a hotel. I am glad that Norwegian Cruise lines chose Costamed to send me for my care. I hope to come back not as a patient, but to visit all the wonderful staff in this institution.”
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-Reynaldo Cabuloy. Norwegian Cruise Lines.
“Staff was extremely helpful and friendly. All were very accommodating. This was probably the best hospital stay I´ve ever received. A very heartfelt thanks to all the staff.”
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-Charles Guyn.
“My husband Jim & I took a 5 day Miami-Havana-Cozumel cruise earlier this month. In this time, my husband had a medical emergency that required us to disembark in Cozumel. The ship´s doctor, Dr. Angel, referred us to Costamed in Cozumel. We first received care from ENT specialist Dr. Zair Garibay and then my husband was hospitalized for two days for IV antibiotic treatment. The nurses, doctors, nutritionist/food service team, finance/patient/critical care team, cleaning staff, wheelchair personnel, and lab/testing staff could not have been more competent or compassionate. My husband received excellent care, and my being able to stay with him was extremely helpful to his comfort and health. Our doctor in Milwaukee confirmed that we received an appropriate diagnosis and treatment, and we simply wanted to write to let you know how much we appreciated Costamed´s commitment to our health and safety. Please pass on our deepest gratitude to Dr. Garibay and the entire clinic and hospital staff. Thank you again.”
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-Martha and James Cargile.
“Mi reconocimiento y gracias infinitas a todo el personal médico y administrativo de Costamed Cozumel. Estuve ahí en Julio 2018, la atención fue excelente, siempre atentos de mi salud y de mis trámites con la aseguradora. Gracias especialmente al Dr. Rafael Moguel cardiólogo con mucha experiencia, me sentí siempre en buenas manos. Gracias especialmente a la Lic. Ma. Esther por sus finas atenciones y rápida solución con la aseguradora. No duden en ir con el Dr. Rafael y el mejor equipo del estado”.
Fuente: Facebook.
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-Angel Lazo de la Vega.
“Excellent young dentist! Excellent doctors and greet staff on reception!”
Fuente: Google.
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-Toti Semoa.
“Hospital excelente, médicos maravilhosos , enfermeiros, residentes, recepcionistas , seguranças, todos muito gentis e amorosos!”
Fuente: Google.
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-Elayne Morais.
“My son was admitted as an emergency after falling from a second floor balcony onto a granite floor. He had 2 skull fractures and brain swelling. He was admitted to the ICU and placed in a medically induced coma for 5 days. After 4 more days of neurological testing he was released and is thriving. The ER, ICU, Neuro and especially patient services were all phenomenal. The care my son received as well as the compassion the staff all exuded helped me in a very difficult time. Very grateful.”
Fuente: Google.
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-John Neuhoff.
“Some days before I was with my mother because of her medical problems in your excellent hospital. All your services was great and you did all the best for my Mama from Germany, Thank you again for the first class service in this wonderful clean and efficient hospital on Cozumel Island.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Andreas Czernik.
“My husband was a patient at CMC on 17th January 2017. He received excellent care. I have nothing but praise and thanks for all they did for him and also the help given me by Claudia and Andrea in patient services. Everyone on the front desk. Also the doctors. Not how I expected my holiday from Canada to be, but I will come back again one day. Such a beautiful isle and wonderful people.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Barbara Smith.
“Treatment and facilities are up to US standards. Doctor was very competent. Very efficient processing.”
Fuente: Google.
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-R. Rodriguez.
“My husband suffered a stroke while in Cozumel. We were extremely happy with the care he received at CMC. The hospital was modern with up to date equipment, exceptionally clean, and the staff was excellent and very attentive. Dr. Rafael was a treasure. We are at a loss to mention any negatives.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Alyne Lacombe.
“Dislocated my shoulder while vacationing in Cozumel. Dr. Corona was great! Very professional!”
Fuente: Google.
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-Bar Butched.
“I have been attended twice at Costamed, last was a surgery, attention and recovery were great. Glad to recommend to all visitors to Cozumel.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Patrick Mac Donald.
“Our 9-month old was transferred to Costamed in Cozumel with a severe croup attack while on our Caribbean cruise vacation. As parents, there is nothing scarier than having a sick child while away from home. Because of the exceptional doctors, nurses, and staff at Costamed, our nightmare scenario turned into a very positive outcome. As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, I am impressed by the top-notch care and service at Costamed and strongly recommend the hospital.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Katie H.
“Excelente servicio. Los recomiendo ampliamente, el mejor hospital de la isla, el único certificado.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Edgar Martinez Contreras.
“Todos los empleados se esfuerzan de manera extraordinaria para ofrecer un gran servicio.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Gerardo Prado.
“El Grupo Médico COSTAMED es uno de los grupos de salud líderes en el sureste de México. Cada miembro de su equipo, desde los cirujanos hasta el personal administrativo, está altamente calificado en sus respectivas especialidades. Están orgullosos de que todos sus médicos y enfermeras de Servicios de Emergencias Médicas (EMS) están certificados en Soporte Vital Cardíaco y Trauma Avanzado.”
Fuente: Google.
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-Herbert Maldonado.
“I was received as any local patient would be, with respect and courtesy from the reception to the cashier. Everyone's attitude and attention was professional and of the highest caliber. The laboratory work was thorough and rapid. I was not made to wait very long for the results. The staff was aware that I had only a certain amount of time ashore before I had to return to the ship.
The gratis WiFi was a welcome touch to the waiting room.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the excellent treatment I received from my physician Dr. Raphael Moguel Ancheita. his diagnosis of my problem was exactly that which my ship's doctor had determined. As a second opinion it was invaluable. Dr Raphael Moguel is a highly trained, courteous professional who is friendly, relaxed and comforting. A better doctor could not be found either in Mexico or the US. I will be returning to COSTAMED to continue my treatment with Dr Raphael Moguel and for surgery as determined by him. I have every confidence in Dr. Moguel as a phsician and a healer. Dr Raphael Moguel Ancheita is a credit to your fine COSTAMED facility. I look forward to my return to his care in the very near future”
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-Michael Kowalski. M/S Liberty of the Seas
“Mi reconocimiento y gracias infinitas a todo el personal médico y administrativo de Costamed Cozumel. Estuve ahí en Julio 2018, la atención fue excelente, siempre atentos de mi salud y de mis trámites con la aseguradora. Gracias especialmente al Dr. Rafael Moguel cardiólogo con mucha experiencia, me sentí siempre en buenas manos. Gracias especiales a la Lic. Ma Esther por su finas atenciones y rápida solución con la aseguradora. No duden en ir con el Dr. Rafael y el mejor equipo en el estado.”
Fuente: Google
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-Angel Laso de la Vega V.
“Excelentes especialistas. Buenas instalaciones, solo faltaría que el estacionamiento lo ampliaran para sus clientes, ya que es muy limitado.
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-Marxista Kawa.
“[…] I can’t think of a better hospital than Costamed for their services, specialties, care, dedication and pride while performing their mission. I am from Mississippi and there is no comparison of any hospital there with Costamed. In fact, I have been a patient of the Mayo Clinic and this hospital stands as tall as Mayo Clinic. I will be forever
grateful for it being here and their people who saved my life[…]”.
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-Chuck McRae. Former Presiding Mississippi Supreme Court Justice.
Picture this: a sudden jolt from a traffic collision. Your seatbelt does its job, holding you firmly in place, but your body jerks forward and back with force. You feel fine, maybe just a little sore, but weeks—or even years—later, you start noticing stiffness in your neck or persistent back pain.
Did you know that such movements can have long-term effects on your spine?
Imagine this: Emily, a 42-year-old working mom, starts her day as usual. She makes coffee, organizes her kids’ lunches, and heads to her home office. But lately, things feel off. She wakes up exhausted, no matter how long she sleeps. Midway through the day, a wave of heat rises from her chest to her face, leaving her flustered. “Maybe I’m just stressed,” she tells herself.
In a world where quality and precision in healthcare services are essential, having access to clinical laboratories certified by prestigious organizations is a key factor in obtaining reliable and secure results.
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