Dr. Alaide Caballero Rodriguez
An O-to-rhi-no-la-ryn-go-lo-gist is a specialist who focuses on alterations of the ear, nose, and throat. These three organs that we use continuously are fascinating:
The ear is an organ predisposed to infections, auditory problems, and even vertigo since our equilibrium depends on the internal ear. Since a big part of the organ is hidden, many times, the problem resides in not being careful enough. It is common to put objects into the auditory channel to extract wax or scratch an itch; this practice can lead to many problems since objects can be dirty, leading to infections. Or it can cause the opposite function in which the wax is pushed further down.
Most of the time, our auditory channels clean themselves. When we talk or chew, our mandible is mobilized, and dead skin cells will slowly move from the eardrum to the external orifice where the wax will dry and fall. Cleaning then is no more than cleaning ourselves with warm water when we shower. It is imperative to know that when you detect a foul smell or hearing loss, it is possible to have an overproduction of wax, and the most convenient thing is to seek a specialist for assessment and treatment.
A consultation that is also common is aesthetic. The surgical correction of separated ears, known as otoplasty, is a straightforward surgery that does not require hospitalization and is managed with local anesthesia.
Some of the problems that can arise from the nose and are most common are breathing issues caused by allergies, trauma, and deformities of internal nose structures.
The otorhinolaryngologist is a surgeon that can do these procedures. A procedure known as septoplasty helps correct the internal structures that are deviated in some patients; these can be bone, cartilage, or both. When these new structures are fixed, the patient will have fewer symptoms of nasal obstruction. Septoplasty can also be done in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, this helps us achieve the desired effect.
Both surgeries are commonly solicited and done by otorhinolaryngologists and plastic surgeries; the difference between plastic surgeons is that we possess the capacity to resolve functional and aesthetic matters in one procedure. These are low risk, ambulatory surgeries that can be done from age 16 or before if necessary.
There are other far more complex ailments such as inflamed nodules, tumors, and even snoring. Snoring is considerably related to the nose and respiratory tract.
Otorhinolaryngology is a specialty in charge of these three organs, and the treatment of these ailments is complementary.
Do not forget to consult with a specialist with any questions you may have. You can learn more about Dra. Alaide Caballero by clicking here
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