Babies have the instinct to suckle and look for your nipple during the Golden Hour, but some moms despair, either because it is the first time they breastfeed or because it's different from their first child.
Having a strong support system can make a big difference; there are lactation specialists who can help you achieve a successful latch in many hospitals. It is crucial to try and get your baby to latch in the first moments after birth; your warmth and smell will encourage your baby to search and find the nipple. Try cradling your baby with one arm and use the other hand to grab your breast, gently squeezing your areola and nipple a little and direct it towards your baby's nose, with an up-down movement, when the baby opens their mouth, introduce not only the nipple but most of the areola, with a proper latch adequate suckling will begin, yay! This grip is known as the "deep latch technique"
This position ensures a correct grip:
• The mouth covers the areola
• The lips protrude outwards, like a pacifier (everted lips)
• The chin touches the chest
• The baby's head and body are in a straight line.
We leave you a video of a proper grip.
Like many things, it may not come out the first time; the key to everything is perseverance. Even if it was your first time, the sucking sensation is very special and characteristic due to the force with which your baby pulls the nipple. If you don't recognize this pull, there are many different positions for breastfeeding.
It is also important to understand that breastfeeding should not be painful: the first time, it may be uncomfortable, and as you get used to it, you will likely require additional support such as nipple shields (which are plastic cups that are placed over the nipples to avoid direct contact) or lanolin, to relieve an irritated or sore nipple, however, if at one point you feel much pain when breastfeeding, it is almost always due to a poor nipple grip.
Your baby seems hungry
Sadly, this is one of the most common myths in the health field, sometimes even promoted by health specialists, which can be a determining factor in preventing breastfeeding.
Once the baby is born, biochemical processes promote milk production in your body necessary to meet your baby's needs. Many new mums panic or are made to worry unnecessarily about their milk supply. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be wrongly encouraged to introduce formula milk when it isn't needed, which can lead to a real reduction in milk supply.
In this myth, there are many points to consider:
• Women do not have enough breast milk until three to four days after the baby is born.
Like many accepted myths, they have their origin in truth, and, indeed, in the first days, your milk production is purely Colostrum, and it comes in very small quantities, but that does not mean that it is not enough. This Colostrum is known as Liquid Gold; it precedes breast milk; it is yellowish and thick. Colostrum is rich in minerals, vitamins, immunoglobins, and amino acids, and it's all that baby needs in their first few days.
Colostrum is so important to strengthen your baby's system that even moms who choose not to breastfeed are advised to at least give them Colostrum.
Now, a newborn baby has a tiny stomach, so they do not require large amounts of milk to fill it; you can use this image to see the size ratio of your baby's tummy vs. the amount of milk you require.
As the stomach grows, breastmilk changes its composition so that it continues to meet the baby's needs. This process continues cyclically for as long as you can. Finally, the composition of breast milk will be light and easily digested for an immature system like your baby's, and your baby will constantly be asking for more milk, which is why breastfeeding is usually recommended in an on-demand basis, this means whenever it is requested, and for as long as you decide to breastfeed.
· Formula satisfies babies
It is essential to know that breast milk is a living fluid with high levels of fat, lactose, protein, and vitamins 100% adapted to your baby's specific needs.
Formula milk is similar to breast milk, provides energy, hydration, and nutrients; however, it lacks that adaptability that breast milk provides, a product of the evolution of millions of years and complexity far superior to that of other animals.
A quality of formula milk is that it expands in the baby's stomach, generating satiety; when feeling completely satisfied, the baby usually dozes trying to digest. With breastfeeding, the higher the suction, the higher the production of milk; therefore, the baby will be more active depending on how much milk they need; your baby will set the pace. If too much formula is used, the natural activation of breastmilk does not happen, and you may begin to produce less milk.
The world of breastfeeding is a beautiful, passionate world of effort and reward. At Costamed Medical Group, we believe in the value that this has for the long-term development of your baby; breast milk is best since it provides your little bundle of joy the nourishment and the emotional attachment necessary for a happy childhood.
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