Dr. Rodolfo Arellano Cervantes
A headache is classified as all those pains in the head, scalp, or neck. It's such a common ailment; the intensity or frequency can lead a patient to consult with a specialist; this is the most common cause in seeking a Neurosurgeon.
It is interesting to note how pain is decoded according to each patient; since pain is different for everyone, it can come from different areas of the head. In some people, it can cause visions of specific colors, smells, or other sensory experiences.
The good news is that the most common causes of headaches aren't always related to the brain but the surrounding structures.
There are different types, and some of the main are:
Tensional headaches are the most common. The muscles surrounding the head and neck contract with emotional stress and bad habits; this contracture causes pain in the temples or around your forehead.
Bad habits include not drinking enough water, bad posture, not sleeping well or enough, nightly use of screens (cellphones, tablets, etc.), and even bad eating habits with unbalanced meals or at irregular times.
Migraines are caused when there isn't a proper blow flow to the brain. This pain can become disabling, but it does not represent a danger to brain activity. This type of pain is very strong and comes with eyesight problems, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to noise, nausea, and vomiting. It is shooting pain, and it usually begins on one side of the head and can extend to the entire head. It has also been noticed that certain foods such as chocolate, caffeine, grapes, dairy, a lack of sleep, or excess alcohol can trigger migraines.
When blood pressure increases, it causes our blood to reach our brain faster and with more strength, causing pain. It is imperative to manage and monitor blood pressure when headaches begin.
Other types of headaches that aren't too common are cluster headaches that are characterized by being penetrating and incredibly painful. It can often occur during the day and during specific periods, maybe at the same time of the day or during the same season of each year.
The increase in Intracranial Pressure secondary to an increase of liquids or tumor growth can cause intense pain that is commonly accompanied by other serious symptoms such as a severe loss of functions, vomit, or loss of consciousness.
It is essential to have an evaluation from a specialist when one or many of the following critical criteria are presented:
To avoid constant headaches there are certain habits that you can include in your everyday activities:
To know more about Dr. Rodolfo Arellano Cervantes schedule an appointment here.
During august 2020, we have a 50% discount on first-time visits at our facility in Playa del Carmen. Make your appointment here.
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