Existing Vaccines
To date, there are about 10 vaccines in the race against COVID-19 (including those from Janssen and Novavax laboratories), of which there are 2 vaccines authorized for use by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States of America:
Additionally, there is the Russian vaccine called Sputnik V from the Gamaleya Institute and the AZD1222 from Oxford-AstraZeneca,
How do they work?
As you may remember, we explained in detail the principle of all vaccines in our blog “Vaccines: The shield of the immune system”, What varies for the COVID-19 vaccine is the material that seeks to develop the immune response of the human body:
Once the material has entered, the body "reads the instructions" and makes cells with virus-like crowns, without the virulent material. In this way, the body identifies them as a pathogen and creates the corresponding defense antibodies, which will remember how to fight the virus in the future.
What has been sought to deliver in this "broken car" is specifically the material that causes the external crowns of the coronavirus, because it is precisely these crowns that facilitate the connection with our cells and thus disperse the infection.
From there, the functioning in the body is the same as the mRNA type, by identifying the genetic material, the body recognizes it as a pathogen and develops antibodies that will respond to a possible future threat.
So far, some IMPORTANT Data goes:
Are they safe?
No vaccine is 100% harmless in terms of allergic reactions, what is considered in favour is to consider that allergic reactions (moderate and severe type) do not exceed a minimum margin, making statistics generally favorable.
For this reason, the application of the vaccine is performed with a special protocol in which, once the injection has been received, the person is monitored on site for 15 to 30 minutes, waiting for some alarm data. Ideally, vaccine providers should have special equipment and medicines in place in case a severe reaction occurs.
The reactions generated by the application of COVID-19 vaccines are constantly being monitored and mild to severe allergic reactions have been identified.
Mild reactions:
There have been cases of people who have allergic reactions within 4 hours after vaccination, such as itching, swelling and difficult breathing, shown by a certain wheezing and/or noisy breathing, which occurs when the respiratory passages shrink.
The right thing to do in this case is to go to a hospital for general control and monitoring.
Severe reactions:
A severe reaction is considered “Anaphylaxis”, it is an acute and life-threatening allergic reaction, symptoms can range from skin rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing or shock. Immediate treatment is with epinephrine and the transfer to the emergency area as soon as possible.
This type of reaction usually occurs when you are highly allergic to a component, such as peanuts.
So, what can we expect when receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?
As we have already explained, when receiving the vaccine, the body reacts by generating antibodies, which cause internal reactions:
In the arm where you are injected:
| In the body in general:
In the arm where you are injected:
| In the body in general:
See your doctor when the redness or tenderness where you were injected increases after 24 hours, or if the side effects don't go away after a couple of days.
In general, the side effects are similar to a strong flu, it is recommended to continue with calm and restful activities, reminding that the symptoms should be completely overcome after about 2 days.
In our following blogs we will tell you one by one the details of the authorized vaccines.
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