Snoring is absolutely common and normalized in our rest routines and, often, they are reasons for teasing and jokes, however, it is important to understand that these behaviors ARE NOT NORMAL AT ALL, and that they can cause other ailments that detract from our quality of life.
Snoring happens when, while asleep, the nose becomes obstructed and air cannot pass, activating the second oxygenation pathway, which is the mouth; when the air flows through the throat it causes vibrations in the last tissues when breathing (more commonly when inhaling) so that this vibration generates the characteristic loud and hoarse sound. Applying physics a bit, the narrower the throat channel, for whatever reasons, the louder the snoring will be and on the other hand, since the pathway is completely obstructed, no snoring will be generated, because the air does not pass for seconds, which is even more serious.
The causes of snoring are varied, and they deserve to be studied to identify the reason, since some of them can seriously affect:
A person who snores can suffer from shortness of breath: In sleep cycles, it can happen that, after snoring, there is an interruption of breathing. If this occurs at least 5 times for every hour of sleep, it is classified as Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
This obstruction of breathing logically causes a drop in the body's oxygenation levels, making it difficult for the person to rest and forcing the brain to send alert signals to get air using snoring. However, as the process is deficient, the person usually wakes up with signs of fatigue the next day.
If the syndrome persists and treatment is not given, it can lead to high blood pressure in the lungs (or pulmonary hypertension), causing the right side of the heart to work harder than normal, and thus even leading to heart failure.
NOTE: Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, BUT EVERYONE WITH SLEEP APNEA Snore, do you see the importance of a checkup?
Let's go to some interesting facts:
In another blog I will talk to you in more detail about SLEEP APNEA: its types, symptoms, potential problems that it derives, how it is detected and the treatments that I recommend to treat it.
There are specialist doctors as servers who can support you to make a complete review of your condition and determine the causes for which you suffer from snoring. If in the morning you wake up more tired than normal, with a sore throat or if your partner complains that you snore too much / too loud, do not hesitate to come with me, I will be waiting for you to help you regain your quality of sleep.
If you want to schedule your appointment with Dr. Fernandez, click here
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