Dr. Eduardo Rubio Ruiz. Director
“They say that Pain is the son of the air and the earth, which are essential elements for life; They say ... that he dresses in wide white garments and emblades a dagger, and that he is twinned with the one who wears black and always carries a scythe ... "
Mayan legend.
The International Association for the Study and Treatment of Pain (IASP) defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue lesions, which are real or potential, or well described in terms of such lesions. This makes us think that pain is an experience, that is, the fact of having felt, lived or witnessed something related to the sense organs and emotions. Pain, in addition to the biological processes that transmit it, also influences our feelings and our view of the world.
In addition, pain is often a warning from our body that something is "not working well", that there is some damage or injury to our tissues. It's an alarm signal that motivates us to take quick evasive action. One example of this is what happens when we pinch our finger with a needle or put our hand in contact with something extremely hot, our initial reaction is to remove the hand from the harmful stimulus. However, when painful stimulus persists and becomes chronic, it loses its function as an alarm and becomes a destructive stimulus.
Pain is a common problem in society that is produced by various biological mechanisms, which influence the physiological, functional, emotional, social, and economic balance of individuals who suffer from it. Due to the fact that the pain report can only be obtained by those who suffer it and the complexity of the mechanisms that produce it, medical specialists dedicated to its study and treatment have emerged in the world, which introduced the concept now known as "Pain Clinics".
These facilities have specific internationally regulated characteristics, which favor a comprehensive and interdisciplinary therapeutic approach for patients. Therefore, at these sites the patient can find specialized help for the management of their pain.
Obtaining a correct and early diagnosis of chronic pain is essential to find the appropriate treatment and to alleviate its symptoms and thus improve the patient's quality of life, in a safe, comfortable and equipped environment with high technology.
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