The Blood Bank BLOOD COMPONENTS offers its services for both donor care and distribution of blood components.
- Attention to Donors
- To obtain the necessary hemocomponents, blood is drawn from donors, who first undergo a medical evaluation and blood sampling process to ensure their safety. The blood drawn is then analyzed to be classified as safe blood and donated to anyone who requires it.
Donations can be total or apheresis type; the latter involves dividing the blood into its different components to donate one of them specifically.
- Plasma.
- Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
- Platelets (thrombocytes)
In order to make the donation, it is important that the person meets a series of requirements, described in the section "Donor Requirements".
Additionally, blood donation can be altruistic or directed; the difference lies in who the beneficiary is: in altruistic donation, the beneficiary is any person who requires and requests it, in directed donation, it is specified to whom the blood is destined, whether it is requested before needing blood, or it must be replenished for an emergency, to know the cases of directed donation that we have active, visit our section "Directed Donation".
Blood and Hemocomponents Distribution
The delivery of blood and its components is made to public and private health institutions that require it, as long as they have a transfusion service license granted by COFEPRIS. For the above, it is a mandatory requirement that the following form be filled out, endorsed by the treating physician of the patient receiving the blood and/or blood components.