In order to request an ambulance, dial 800-900-1133 to contact our Call Center, or any of the telephone numbers in each unit:
Costamed Medical Group has 4 Hospitals and a Clinic; our locations through Google Maps, are:
WHAT ARE YOUR BUSINESS HOURS?As Medical Group we are open 24 hours, 365 days a year. There are certain services that handle specific schedules, such as Dental. To learn about these hours, contact us directly at 800.900.1133 or:
We do administer injections as long as you have a prescription from a qualified physician. If you need the medication, you must also submit the prescription (we recommend you call first in order to make sure the medication is available.)
DO YOU HAVE CT SCAN OR MRI SERVICES AVAILABLE?Yes, Costamed Medical Group has the best technology for diagnostic imagining. We invite you to visit our Technological Equipment to learn what every unit has on Imagining services, besides other vital equipment.
WHAT IS THE COST OF CONSULTATIONS / SERVICES / TOMOGRAPHS / LABORATORY EXAMSFor any cost, it is important that you call us directly; for consultations, services and exams, please call our front desks:
If you are looking for a quote on a surgical procedure or event coverage, please send an e mail to info@costamed.com.mx where we will provide the attention you require.
We have patients from all over the world holding different kinds of insurance policies and different coverage. We assist our patients in coordinating with their insurance carrier companies in order to secure payment on patient’s behalf. For additional information, please click here.
DO YOU ACCEPT PAYMENTS IN DOLLARS OR ANY OTHER CURRENCY?We exclusively accept Mexican Pesos or North American dollars.
DO YOU ACCEPT INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARDS?We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Charges are made in pesos at the day’s current exchange rate.
Certainly. Our Hospital Group has different patient safety national and international certifications. To see our certifications, click here
WHERE CAN I BUY MY MEDICINES?In Mexico there are large trusted pharmacy chains where you can purchase retail medicines. Search for the word “Farmacias” in your browser. You can click here.
If you are in Cozumel, at our Hospital, we have a retail pharmacy where you can fill your prescriptions; we only sell retail not wholesale. If you wish to get a quote on the price of your medication, call 800-900-1133.
WHAT CAN I DO IF I ALREADY HAVE A CONDITION AND WANT MY TREATMENT TO BE DONE BY YOU?If you are traveling and are concerned about a relapse or need EMERGENCY care, we are always available to help you. Call 800-900-1133 or:
You can certainly see a specialist while you are on vacation. Make your appointment in advance by sending an email to info@costamed.com.mx or call 800.900.1133
IF I AM IN MY HOTEL, CAN I GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IN MY ROOM?Every day we see a large number of tourists who, for one reason or another, need medical attention.
If you have insurance, please let us know; however, you will need to cover the cost and ask your insurance company to be reimbursed. Some insurance carriers may cover your consultation, so when calling our Call Center ask if your insurance applies.
DO YOU SPEAK ANY OTHER LANGUAGE BESIDES ENGLISH?Our staff and most of our specialists speak English, but we also have assistance in other languages such as French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, among others, through expert translators.